Hi all,

I need to store some values in a hidden text widget which is in a frame in tcl 
so that I can use those values to perform some mathematical operations when I 
click on the submit button. My problem is that I cannot make a text widget 
hidden. I am giving below the text widget code which I am using. What more do I 
need to specify in my code so that the text widget is hidden?


frame .f2 -width 250 -height 270
pack .f2
pack propagate .f2 0

label .f2.l1 -text "Name" -font $fnt9
place .f2.l1 -x 0 -y 25 
text .f2.t1 -bd 1 -highlightbackground black - highlightthickness 1 -font $fnt9
.f2.t1 insert end [string trim $nm]
.f2.t1 configure -state disabled
place .f2.t1 -x 65 -y 25 -width 170 -height 16

In the above code, $nm contains a value which is to be used for a mathematical 
operation. So .f2.t1 is to be made hidden.

Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Anirban Sarkar

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