Aaron Burghardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> OK, I am impressed that you can insert 2000 records/second on indexed  
> columns.  I have an application that inserts CSV data into an SQLite  
> database, and inserting 15 million records is taking about 2 hours  
> with no indices (this is on a PowerMac Dual G5 2.0 GHz, 1.5 GB RAM),  
> though two fields each require a simple sub-select on to populate.   
> My attempts to improve performance include:
>       * performing all the inserts inside one transaction
>       * using prepared statements
>       * dropping all the indices prior to running
>       * setting sync mode to Normal
>       * setting cache_size to huge values, like 300,000
>       * creating temp tables in memory
> Do my times sound reasonable or should I continue to look for  
> optimizations?  Any other suggestions?

You should be getting 10x better performance.  Perhaps your
subselect is slowing you down.
D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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