
I'm using spatialite via the command line in a script/batch file:

sqlite3 -cmd ".load mod_spatialite.com" %DB%

everything works perfectly...

However, I need to use it via JDBC for a java application and loading the 
spatialite extension in the jdbc connection is extremely buggy... unusable.

My current hack/workaround is a batch file (or bash script depending on 
platform) to do a spatial update after the non-spatial insert via JDBC. The 
only positive thing about this approach is that it works reliably...

Given it seems I'm not going to be able to get a robust JDBC/spatialite working 
I was trying to use a db trigger to do the update automatically.

I can create a trigger with a spatialite sql function to modify point and line 
geometry columns quite easily, but the SQL that invokes the trigger also needs 
the spatial library to be loaded in the connection... so this doesn't work with 
JDBC - the trigger gives an unknown function error for any spatial function in 
the trigger sql.

I have tried another approach which would work nicely for this use case, but 
cannot get it to work - that is, loading the spatialite library inside the 
trigger, so even a non-spatial connection could load the extension and run the 

create trigger mk_geom after insert on station
  --.load mod_spatialite  or --
  select load_extension(mod_spatialite);
  <spatial sqls....>;

This fails. Reading the docs suggests this may because in this situation I 
can't load extensions (but I'm not sure).

My initial question is:
Can anyone tell me how to load the extension inside the trigger (perhaps how to 
enable extensions in a cli connection)?

Can anyone suggest an alternative way to avoid the use of system calls invoking 
batch files (from a java application) to run spatial queries?


Brent Wood

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