Just to have a way to see my progress at Udemy, I created the following
table and view:
    CREATE TABLE rawSummaryUdemy (
        date        TEXT    NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE,
        total       INTEGER NOT NULL,
        completed   INTEGER NOT NULL,

        CONSTRAINT formatDate       CHECK(date  = date(strftime('%s',
date), 'unixepoch')),
        CONSTRAINT notInFuture      CHECK(date <= date()),
        CONSTRAINT totalIsInt       CHECK(TYPEOF(total)     = 'integer'),
        CONSTRAINT completedIsInt   CHECK(TYPEOF(completed) = 'integer'),
        CONSTRAINT totalGEZero      CHECK(total     >= 0),
        CONSTRAINT completedGEZero  CHECK(completed >= 0),
        CONSTRAINT completedLETotal CHECK(completed <= total),

    PRIMARY KEY(date)
    CREATE VIEW summaryUdemy AS
    SELECT *
    ,      total - completed AS toComplete
    FROM   rawSummaryUdemy

If this can be done better: let me know.

Normally speaking total and completed should never decrease. It is not
really important, but just as an exercise: is it possible to add
constraints so that you cannot enter a total, or a completed that is lower
as the previous one?

Cecil Westerhof
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