Hi All,

I used the http://sourceforge.net/projects/adodotnetsqlite to do the pressure test and see the actual performance on my PC: PIV 3.0, 1G RAM, win2003 server(Simplifed Chinese)+vs.net2003, with unicode characters:

I slightly modified the official test: the first field content and row count.

(23+i+i*3.3+i*4.4 Bytes) * 10 million
Inserting version 3... 47009 inserts/sec
Reading version 3... 262595 reads/sec

(23+i+i*3.3+i*4.4 Bytes) * 100 million
Inserting version 3... 48042 inserts/sec
Reading version 3... 102899 reads/sec
around 6.7G in size

(10 thousand+i+i*3.3+i*4.4 Bytes) * 100 thousand
Inserting version 3... 468 inserts/sec
Reading version 3... 654 reads/sec

(10 thousand+i+i*3.3+i*4.4 Bytes) * 500 thousand
Inserting version 3... 334 inserts/sec
Reading version 3... 641 reads/sec
around 7.5G in size

to simply put, longer field worse performance, but but larger records will not.

btw. when inserting, 50% cpu usage, 10-20% when selecting.

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