
Is there a way to restrict the unique ids to a desired
range of values let's say only -ve values?

One way I could think of was if we have an empty
database with an entry as a maximum -ve value, then
every insertion with unique id value NULL, will
automatically keep incrementing by 1. Thus to reach
zero, it might take a many insertions but deletion of
entries and insertions may create gaps and it is sure
that it will end up as +ve id value some day.
Otherwise the id has to be passed as a -ve value but
additional complications come into picture like if it
is not unique, it will fail and an attempt is to be
made to insert -ve values.

I am looking for a fool proof method that can stick
the unique id to a rane of values without changing the
source code of SQLITE.

Currently, we are using SQLITE 3.0.8 .

- Rangan.

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