This behavior seems to happen in both stock standard on 32-bit Windows 
XP and my customized 3.7.8 on Solaris 9 (Sparc).  Here's the capture from 

D:\peter\sqlite-shell-win32-x86-3070701>sqlite3 this_is_a_new_db.db
SQLite version 2011-06-28 17:39:05
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> pragma encoding = "UTF-16be";
sqlite> create virtual table rt using rtree (i,x1,x2,y1,y2);
sqlite> pragma encoding;
sqlite> .tables
rt         rt_node    rt_parent  rt_rowid
sqlite> alter table rt rename to rx;
sqlite> .tables
_node    _parent  _rowid   rx

However, if I choose UTF-16le instead, it produces a different, although 
incorrect result:

D:\peter\sqlite-shell-win32-x86-3070701>sqlite3 this_is_a_new_db.db
SQLite version 2011-06-28 17:39:05
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> pragma encoding = "UTF-16le";
sqlite> create virtual table rt using rtree (i,x1,x2,y1,y2);
sqlite> pragma encoding;
sqlite> .tables
rt         rt_node    rt_parent  rt_rowid
sqlite> alter table rt rename to rx;
sqlite> .tables
r_node    r_parent  r_rowid   rx

But it works correctly with UTF-8:

D:\peter\sqlite-shell-win32-x86-3070701>sqlite3 this_is_a_new_db.db
SQLite version 2011-06-28 17:39:05
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> pragma encoding = "UTF-8";
sqlite> create virtual table rt using rtree (i,x1,x2,y1,y2);
sqlite> pragma encoding;
sqlite> .tables
rt         rt_node    rt_parent  rt_rowid
sqlite> alter table rt rename to rx;
sqlite> .tables
rx         rx_node    rx_parent  rx_rowid

I did a little debugging on Solaris, and it appeared that in the UTF-16be case, 
a zero-length string is being passed in as the 2nd argument (zNewName) for 
rtreeRename().  If I had to guess, given the difference in behavior between 
UTF-16le and UTF-16be, I'd say when the database is in UTF-16, that the virtual 
table interface is passing a UTF-16 string into the xRename function for the 
zNewName argument.  Given that zNewName is declared as a pointer to const char, 
I can see why rtreeRename isn't expecting this.

I suspect that someone familiar with the parser could probably figure out what 
the problem is in a few minutes.  In the meantime I can avoid this problem by 
creating my databases using UTF-8 (they're being created in UTF-16 right now 
because I'm calling sqlite3_open16(), which seemed natural as the level of code 
above mine was supplying the database name in UTF-16, but I can change that).


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