Re: [sqlite] converting a sqlite table to dbf

2006-08-31 Thread Eric Bohlman
P Kishor wrote: Thanks, so the answer is there is no straight-forward way of doing this. I will export to CSV, and then rebuild a dbf using Perl. Since you've got Perl, you can skip the CSV step; just make sure you have DBI and DBD::SQLite and DBD::XBase installed and create connections to bo

Re: [sqlite] converting a sqlite table to dbf

2006-08-29 Thread Dennis Jenkins
Fred Williams wrote: Kind'a like chucking your Pentium 5 and going back to scratching on the cave wall with a rock, Eh? I'd export the tables to a CVS files using something like SQLiteAdmin.exe. Open the CVS files with Excel and save the resulting spreadsheets as .DBF files (My Excel has a cho

RE: [sqlite] converting a sqlite table to dbf

2006-08-29 Thread Fred Williams
Damn acronyms anyhow! Thanks. > -Original Message- > From: Jay Sprenkle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 6:47 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [sqlite] converting a sqlite table to dbf > > > On 8/29/06, Fred Williams &

Re: [sqlite] converting a sqlite table to dbf

2006-08-29 Thread Noel Frankinet
t 28, 2006 11:23 PM > To: > Subject: [sqlite] converting a sqlite table to dbf > > > is there any straightforward way for converting a SQLite > table to dbf format? > Hello, I use shapelib (a libary to read and write gis shape files), the attrib

Re: [sqlite] converting a sqlite table to dbf

2006-08-29 Thread P Kishor
11:23 PM > To: > Subject: [sqlite] converting a sqlite table to dbf > > > is there any straightforward way for converting a SQLite > table to dbf format? > -- Puneet Kishor Nelson Inst. for Env. Studies, UW-Madison http:

Re: [sqlite] converting a sqlite table to dbf

2006-08-29 Thread Jay Sprenkle
On 8/29/06, Fred Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Kind'a like chucking your Pentium 5 and going back to scratching on the cave wall with a rock, Eh? I'd export the tables to a CVS files using something like SQLiteAdmin.exe. Open the CVS files with Excel and save the resulting spreadsheets a

RE: [sqlite] converting a sqlite table to dbf

2006-08-28 Thread Fred Williams
rg > Subject: [sqlite] converting a sqlite table to dbf > > > is there any straightforward way for converting a SQLite > table to dbf format? > > -- > Puneet Kishor > Nelson Inst. for Env. Studies, UW-Madison http://www.ies.wisc.

[sqlite] converting a sqlite table to dbf

2006-08-28 Thread P Kishor
is there any straightforward way for converting a SQLite table to dbf format? -- Puneet Kishor Nelson Inst. for Env. Studies, UW-Madison Open Source Geospatial Foundation -