I find myself wanting to do an FTS3 phrase search
restricted to content in a specific column.  The docs
are pretty clear that this doesn't work (column prefixes
only apply to tokens), but I wonder how hard it would
be to make it work.  I'm happy to work on it if I can
be pointed in the right direction.  I found an unanswered
message in the sqlite-users archives from last September
asking for the same functionality and claiming that it had
worked in an earlier version of sqlite (


Just to be concrete, this is what I'm trying:

sqlite> select ID, Name from text where text match '"Russ Cox"';
... output ...
sqlite> select ID, Name from text where text match 'Author:Russ';
... output ...
sqlite> select ID, Name from text where text match 'Author:"Russ Cox"';
Error: SQL logic error or missing database
sqlite> select ID, Name from text where text match 'Author:"Russ"';
Error: SQL logic error or missing database

Pointers to where I should look in the sqlite code, or
cautionary tales about why this changed and why it's
really hard to change back?

Thanks very much.
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