folks, I have never worked with BLOBs, but am now going to. Feel a bit nervous.

The way I understand it, our favorite db breaks a BLOB into its
predetermined chunks (4096 bytes or whatever) and figures out how and
where to store them. We just ask it to put in the BLOB or take out the
BLOB, and SQLite just does the job.

I also understand that it is advisable to store the BLOBs in their own
table with an id field linking them to the other attributes instead of
lumping them with other attributes.

Here is a question -- what if I have a rather large image and I want
only a certain part of it? Let me give an example -- say, I want to
store an image of the entire US, but when I want to see only Hawaii, I
ask SQLite to fetch the portion of the image with a certain bounding
box, say, the rect of Hawaii. How would one go about implementing such
a capability? (and, no, please don't tell me to break up the image of
the US into 50 images of the States... that is not what I am asking).
Obviously, this capability would be useful in storing very large
images, and fetching portions of them.

Many thanks,


Oh yes, if any one of you has done extensive work with BLOBs, and has
been sweet enough to write a how-to, please point me to it.

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