> Message: 9
> Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 21:33:06 -0500
> From: "Jay A. Kreibich" <j...@kreibi.ch>
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] can sqlite result be sorted by using
> "prepare-step" API
> To: General Discussion of SQLite Database <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
> Message-ID: <20090824023306.gb1...@uiuc.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


hi Jay,

> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 01:55:41AM +0000, nick huang scratched on the wall:
> > 
> > I am a kind of new to Sqlite and just wonder if the query result row
> > could be sorted by using Sqlite_prepare followed by Sqlite_Step.
> Prepare/step is the only way to get data out of the database, so yes.




> > For example, query statement is something like "select * from
> > sometable order by somefield;" and we call prepare followed by step.
> > And are all results returned from "step" in order of "somefield"?
> Yes. Did you try it and see?


Sorry I am a bit lazy and busy right now and that is why I choose to post this 
question instead of doing the experiment myself. 


> > As I read the document, it seems the step will return the first awailable 
> > row ASAP. That is why I wonder the sorting is not possible as according 
> > to what we learned from books the sorting of dataset is done at the 
> > last stage of SQL query when all result set is available.
> It depends. If SQLite is sorting based off an indexed column, it may
> be able to start returning rows right away before the full result set
> has been computed. There are plenty of cases when the query
> optimizer can rearrange the query pipeline to produce "presorted"
> in-order results without the whole result set at hand.
> On the other hand, if you're sorting on a non-indexed column or
> computed result-set column, then the database engine has to compute
> the entire result, sort it, and then start to return it.
> In the first case, the cost of doing the query will be spread across
> each call to sqlite3_step(). In the second case, the first call to
> sqlite3_step() may be quite long, but all calls after that should be
> quite fast.


Your explanation is really convincing and helpful!

If SQLite can return the sorted result without waiting to retrieve all dataset, 
then it would be a great help as I am currently involved in porting sqlite on 
mobile phone where time-consumed query would probably reset the phone. And 
that's why I am interested to see if the first awailable row can return ASAP. 
And if "prepare-step" can not do better than "execute" or "GetTable", then what 
is meaning to use "prepare-step"? 

And here comes my little question: Suppose my query needs to be sorted by some 
field and if I create a view with  clause of "order by" to ask sqlite to sort 
on that index. Can I get sorted result by querying the view with prepare-step? 
In documents, sqlite doesn't say "order by" is not allowed in create view.  I 
know most of database like MS sqlserver doesn't allow "order by" clause in 
create view statement. However, sqlite is the most unique database which gives 
me a lot of surprise and I hope it can do it again.




> > However, this also seems to contradictive to that all other query API 
> > like "exec", "getTable" etc. which all support "sorting" are all
> > based on prepare-step. Therefore the only conclusion is that "exec",
> > "getTable" etc. retrieve dataset and sort by themselves after they
> > call "prepare-step". 
> No, the short-cut functions are not that smart. The much simpler and
> more logical conclusion is that the database engine does the sorting.
> sqlite3_step() returns rows as they become available. You're reading
> too deeply into "as they become available", however. The database
> engine is still required to return the correct result set. If the
> query needs to be sorted, it needs to be sorted. That may or may not
> require computing the full result set before returning the first row.
> It depends on the query. But either way, the database will do the
> right thing and return the correct results.


According to your explanation, it seems the sorting prevents "prepare-step" 
from returning faster than "execute". If this is correct understanding, the 
implication is that without using "order by"  clause the prepare-step API would 
return much quicker than "execute" because it doesn't have to wait for all 
result set being available. And this would be especially useful for embedded 


Thanks again,



> -j
> -- 
> Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y @ K R E I B I.C H >
> "Our opponent is an alien starship packed with atomic bombs. We have
> a protractor." "I'll go home and see if I can scrounge up a ruler
> and a piece of string." --from Anathem by Neal Stephenson

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