I am using SQLIte3 database and my query is  running slow
sometimes,sometimes it runs fast. Is there any sqlite Profiler available
just like SQL Profiler for SQL server? 
My query looks like 
 "SELECT ID, EventClassName, EventClassRef, TransitionTime, Message,
MonitoredRef, EventRef,ToState,Priority,Acked from Events WHERE
Events.NotificationTime >= "&GetDateTimeAsString(LastEvent)&" "

and ID > "&lastID & " Order By ID DESC LIMIT 100"

Recordset CursorLocation = 2,CursorType = 2,LockType = 3


My Events table has 2259205 records. ID is my primary key so index is on
that field. NOtification time also have index on it.

The page running this query is executing in 312 ms -2.5 seconds on
Windows XP machine.

The page running this query is executing in 366 ms -2.8 minutes on
Windows Web server 2008  machine. 

IS there any way I can figure out why its taking so long to run??





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