Hi all,

I have a similar setup like the following:

  CRETAE TABLE users (id int primary key, name varchar(30));
  INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'john');
  INSERT INTO users VALUES (2, 'frank');
  INSERT INTO users VALUES (3, 'david');

CREATE TABLE groups (id int primary key, name varchar(20), users_ids varchar(100));
INSERT INTO groups VALUES (1, 'group 1', '1,2,3');

The field 'users_ids' in the table 'groups' holds the primary keys of related users (I know that there are better ways to design such a relation), but I like to do the following select statement without joining tables and grouping...

SELECT name, user_list(users_ids) from groups;
should return => 'group 1', 'john, frank, david'

I now like to create the user function user_list(), but I didn't find out how to execute a select query inside this user function. Is this possible without locking the database out? Where do I get the database pointer from the already opened database?

Is it possible to create a simple user function that does this?

If it is more easy to get the desired result if I create a relation table between users and groups and use an aggregate function?

Thanks for any suggestions and help

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