Hello All, (my first post here)

I have various tables which all relate to the same central object, all 
of them contain various pieces of information about this object. And I 
want to full-text-search for these objects.

I.e. in my case sounds (which have tags, comments, metadata, categories, 
ratings, etc etc). I wanted to use FTS2 to search through sounds, in the 
end I settled for a trigger approach: adding a new tag for example will 
trigger an update of the search-table.

create virtual table search using fts2(sound_id, content);

create trigger if not exists soundtag_insert after insert on tag for 
each row
     update search set content=(....) where search.sound_id=new.sound_id;

etcetera for all my tables related to the sound.

All well, but then I tried:

select sound.* from sound left join search on sound.id=search.sound_id 
where search.content match "bass drum" and sound.samplerate=44100;

and got: SQL error: unable to use function MATCH in the requested context

The solution I use now is a subselect:

select * from sound where samplerate=44100 and id in (select sound_id 
from search where content match "bass drum");

but this will get me into trouble for large datasets - I suppose.

Is there a better solution for this problem or not? I also know FTS2 
uses only text-data, so I suppose my join will be slower (or am I 
assuming too much) than a join between two tables with integer keys?

thanks a lot,

  - bram
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