Thanks for responding.  I realize many many people use this to develop every 
day, and so let me say I am of course looking at something I must be doing 

John:  I double checked my project settings, and I am not mixing them as far 
as I can see.  My release config is not trying to add debugging information 

Doug:  It's first breakpoint is inside the randomByte() function at line 
18937, here is the call stack:

>    PMJ.exe!randomByte()  Line 18937 + 0x25 bytes    C
     PMJ.exe!sqlite3_randomness(int N=3, void * pBuf=0x0032aaa8)  Line 18966 
+ 0x5 bytes    C
     PMJ.exe!writeJournalHdr(Pager * pPager=0x0032aa78)  Line 35542 + 0xe 
bytes    C
     PMJ.exe!pager_open_journal(Pager * pPager=0x0032aa78)  Line 39231 + 0x9 
bytes    C
     PMJ.exe!pager_write(PgHdr * pPg=0x0032b248)  Line 39379 + 0x9 bytes 
     PMJ.exe!sqlite3PagerWrite(PgHdr * pDbPage=0x0032b248)  Line 39567 + 0x9 
bytes    C
     PMJ.exe!balance_deeper(MemPage * pRoot=0x0032b66c, MemPage * * 
ppChild=0x0032ec34)  Line 50954 + 0xc bytes    C
     PMJ.exe!balance(BtCursor * pCur=0x0032ebd0)  Line 51016 + 0x10 bytes 
     PMJ.exe!sqlite3BtreeInsert(BtCursor * pCur=0x0032ebd0, const void * 
pKey=0x00000000, __int64 nKey=5, const void * pData=0x0032fe18, int 
nData=167, int nZero=0, int appendBias=8, int seekResult=0)  Line 51253 + 
0x9 bytes    C
     PMJ.exe!sqlite3VdbeExec(Vdbe * p=0x0330d348)  Line 63374 + 0x4b bytes 
     PMJ.exe!sqlite3Step(Vdbe * p=0x0330d348)  Line 57947 + 0x9 bytes    C
     PMJ.exe!sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt * pStmt=0x0330d348)  Line 58013 + 0x9 
bytes    C
     PMJ.exe!sqlite3_exec(sqlite3 * db=0x0032a190, const char * 
zSql=0x0032b110, int (void *, int, char * *, char * *)* 
xCallback=0x00000000, void * pArg=0x00000000, char * * pzErrMsg=0x00000000) 
Line 17664 + 0x9 bytes    C
     PMJ.exe!CPMJDatabase::saveEntry(CEntry & e={...})  Line 172 + 0x1a 
bytes    C++

-----Original Message----- 
From: Doug
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 7:24 AM
To: 'General Discussion of SQLite Database'
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Run Time Error #1 in VS2008

I use SQLite3 directly from a number of VS2008 projects and have never seen
that issue.

Can you find the line of code causing the problem?

> I am working on a project in VS2008 and I am including the sqlite3 code
> directly (compared to in the past using wrappers).  The program is
> working
> great  (accessing DB, using calls, etc) but I have hit a peculiar issue
> during runtime.  I am getting an error from VS that is:
> ----
> Run-Time Check Failure #1 - A cast to a smaller data type has caused a
> loss of data.  If this was intentional, you should mask the source of
> the
> cast with the appropriate bitmask.  For example:
> char c = (i & 0xFF);
> Changing the code in this way will not affect the quality of the
> resulting
> optimized code.
> ----
> Is this a common Multibyte versus Unicode error issue?
> Thanks,
> K.
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