michaelvv wrote: 
> Okay this is really a bad way to do it, but I'm playing my compressed
> DFF,DSF files in LMS now.
> I'm on a linux version , so this is what I did..
> As I never shall use wavpack for anything else as DFF,DSF I just did
> these things.
> in */etc/squeezeboxserver/types.conf* I altered the wvp line to
> wvp     wv              audio/dsf                       audio
> in */etc/squeezeboxserver/convert.conf* I added these lines 
> > 
  >   > 
  > wvp dsf * *
  > # FT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v}D:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
  > [wvunpack] $FILE$ --dsf $START$ $END$ -o -
> > 
> in library */usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/x86_64-linux*
> I copied the new vwunpack files at least version 5.0.0 , it was
> version 4.5
> And then I just restarted the server
> systemctl restart logitechmediaserver
> PS! Bugs: The time on the playing  song is not working correctly,
> shows much longer time.

Great work -michaelvv- - this works for me as I've been looking for a
solution as well, now that I've started compressing all my DSD stuff to

Hope you don't mind if I post this up on my blog later this week :-).

Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
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