Fairly sure setting TZ as an environment variable will work well.

That said, as a habit, if I have containers that I want to track the
underlaying *NIX hosts timezone I do the following. It's also what I do
with my LMS container and it seems to have worked so far :cool:.

Setup 2 read only bind volumes for the containers pointing at the hosts
/etc/localtime and /etc/timezone as below (if using the command line,
adapt as needed if using a Docker GUI of some sort).

    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
  -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro

What this does is setup the LMS Docker container to track whatever the
host is configured for regarding timezones and calculation rules. You
can verify this by running up a shell on the running container and


    root@lms:/config# date
  Mon Mar 29 13:24:30 UTC 2021


    root@lms:/config# date
  Mon Mar 29 14:26:58 BST 2021

You can see that without the tweak, it is setup to UTC in my case, after
it is tracking BST as I would expect.

For anyone that cares, /etc/timezone is a text representation of the
timezone configured, and /etc/localtime is the binary rules used to
calculate the time from said timezone.

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