... such as ERR_ACCESS_DENIED with HTTP/403 Forbidden triggered by an http_access deny rule match.

The old code allowed ssl_bump step1 rules to be evaluated in the presence of an error. An ssl_bump splicing decision would then trigger the useless "send the error to the client now" processing logic instead of going down the "to serve an error, bump the client first" path.

Furthermore, the ssl_bump evaluation result itself could be surprising to the admin because ssl_bump (and most other) rules are not meant to be evaluated for a transaction in an error state. This complicated triage.

Also polished an important comment to clarify that we want to bump on error if (and only if) the SslBump feature is applicable to the failed transaction (i.e., if the ssl_bump rules would have been evaluated if there were no prior errors). The old comment could have been misinterpreted that ssl_bump rules must be evaluated to allow an "ssl_bump splice" match to hide the error.

This is a Measurement Factory project.
Bump SSL client on [more] errors encountered before ssl_bump evaluation

... such as ERR_ACCESS_DENIED with HTTP/403 Forbidden triggered by an
http_access deny rule match.

The old code allowed ssl_bump step1 rules to be evaluated in the
presence of an error. An ssl_bump splicing decision would then trigger
the useless "send the error to the client now" processing logic instead
of going down the "to serve an error, bump the client first" path.

Furthermore, the ssl_bump evaluation result itself could be surprising
to the admin because ssl_bump (and most other) rules are not meant to be
evaluated for a transaction in an error state. This complicated triage.

Also polished an important comment to clarify that we want to bump on
error if (and only if) the SslBump feature is applicable to the failed
transaction (i.e., if the ssl_bump rules would have been evaluated if
there were no prior errors). The old comment could have been
misinterpreted that ssl_bump rules must be evaluated because an
"ssl_bump splice" match may hide the error.

This is a Measurement Factory project.

=== modified file 'src/client_side_request.cc'
--- src/client_side_request.cc	2017-01-30 12:46:15 +0000
+++ src/client_side_request.cc	2017-02-02 11:30:23 +0000
@@ -1435,40 +1435,47 @@
     // Bumping here can only start with a CONNECT request on a bumping port
     // (bumping of intercepted SSL conns is decided before we get 1st request).
     // We also do not bump redirected CONNECT requests.
     if (http->request->method != Http::METHOD_CONNECT || http->redirect.status ||
             !Config.accessList.ssl_bump ||
             !http->getConn()->port->flags.tunnelSslBumping) {
         http->al->ssl.bumpMode = Ssl::bumpEnd; // SslBump does not apply; log -
         debugs(85, 5, HERE << "cannot SslBump this request");
         return false;
     // Do not bump during authentication: clients would not proxy-authenticate
     // if we delay a 407 response and respond with 200 OK to CONNECT.
     if (error && error->httpStatus == Http::scProxyAuthenticationRequired) {
         http->al->ssl.bumpMode = Ssl::bumpEnd; // SslBump does not apply; log -
         debugs(85, 5, HERE << "no SslBump during proxy authentication");
         return false;
+    if (error) {
+        debugs(85, 5, "SslBump applies. Force bump action on error " << errorTypeName(error->type));
+        http->sslBumpNeed(Ssl::bumpBump);
+        http->al->ssl.bumpMode = Ssl::bumpBump;
+        return false;
+    }
     debugs(85, 5, HERE << "SslBump possible, checking ACL");
     ACLFilledChecklist *aclChecklist = clientAclChecklistCreate(Config.accessList.ssl_bump, http);
     aclChecklist->nonBlockingCheck(sslBumpAccessCheckDoneWrapper, this);
     return true;
  * A wrapper function to use the ClientRequestContext::sslBumpAccessCheckDone method
  * as ACLFilledChecklist callback
 static void
 sslBumpAccessCheckDoneWrapper(allow_t answer, void *data)
     ClientRequestContext *calloutContext = static_cast<ClientRequestContext *>(data);
     if (!calloutContext->httpStateIsValid())
@@ -1771,42 +1778,43 @@
             ch.my_addr = request->my_addr;
             tos_t tos = aclMapTOS(Ip::Qos::TheConfig.tosToClient, &ch);
             if (tos)
                 Ip::Qos::setSockTos(getConn()->clientConnection, tos);
     if (!calloutContext->nfmarkToClientDone) {
         calloutContext->nfmarkToClientDone = true;
         if (getConn() != NULL && Comm::IsConnOpen(getConn()->clientConnection)) {
             ACLFilledChecklist ch(NULL, request, NULL);
             ch.src_addr = request->client_addr;
             ch.my_addr = request->my_addr;
             nfmark_t mark = aclMapNfmark(Ip::Qos::TheConfig.nfmarkToClient, &ch);
             if (mark)
                 Ip::Qos::setSockNfmark(getConn()->clientConnection, mark);
-    // We need to check for SslBump even if the calloutContext->error is set
-    // because bumping may require delaying the error until after CONNECT.
+    // Even with calloutContext->error, we call sslBumpAccessCheck() to decide
+    // whether SslBump applies to this transaction. If it applies, we will
+    // attempt to bump the client to server the error.
     if (!calloutContext->sslBumpCheckDone) {
         calloutContext->sslBumpCheckDone = true;
         if (calloutContext->sslBumpAccessCheck())
         /* else no ssl bump required*/
     if (calloutContext->error) {
         // XXX: prformance regression. c_str() reallocates
         SBuf storeUriBuf(request->storeId());
         const char *storeUri = storeUriBuf.c_str();
         StoreEntry *e = storeCreateEntry(storeUri, storeUri, request->flags, request->method);
         if (sslBumpNeeded()) {
             // We have to serve an error, so bump the client first.
             // set final error but delay sending until we bump
             Ssl::ServerBump *srvBump = new Ssl::ServerBump(request, e, Ssl::bumpClientFirst);
             errorAppendEntry(e, calloutContext->error);

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