I'm a developer with higher level languages experience very little commercial 
c++ development on my hands.
I've been following the SslBump feature for a while now, and this includes 
source code changes. SslBumping with upstream proxies was completely restricted 
when bug 3209 was patched in 2011, however, I believe the patch is too 
restrictive. I agree with Amos's statement that a plaintext information leak is 
highly unsafe, but the patch also prevents ssl upstream proxies usage.
In order to prevent plaintext and still use upstream proxies, I propose the 
following changes (tested in intranet, in production) which enable upstream 
proxies after ssl bumping, as long as the proxies are ssl themselves:
- version 4.x 
 version 3.5.x 
Best regards,Mihai Ene
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