ons 2006-10-18 klockan 18:32 +0200 skrev Tsachi:

> Is there a problem to download large file ( > 2 GB) from IE 6 while
> the traffic is being intercepted by squid ?
> I know squid 2.5 was enhanced to support large files some time ago.

Yes.. 2.5.STABLE9 I think. or maybe it was STABLE10.

> When I am trying to download "Window Vista RC1" (2.52 GB) from
> Microsoft I am getting this strange behavior:
> 1.Clicking the link to download the file opens the save dialog box,
> Choosing save and only 1KB of the file is been saved!?

Sounds like some other problem. The >2GB problem usually gave other

> 2. Sometimes clicking the link open a gibberish page (I guess the
> ASCII content of the binary file)
> 3. Right clicking the file and choosing "save target as…" saves the
> all file but the dialog doesn't says its size!?  (not always work
> too:))

What does access.log say, with "log_mime_hdrs on"?

Have you tried with another browser such as Firefox?


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