fre 2006-02-24 klockan 18:21 -0700 skrev Duane Wessels:

> Because I think its annoying to have to write
>     if (foo) {
>       foo->unlock();
>       foo = NULL;
>     }
> in so many places.


> I started down that path and wasted about 4 days on it.  Switching
> from normal pointers to ::Pointer is not pleasant for something
> that is used so pervasively.

Not sure I see the problem. The typing overhead in the source should be
the same as in the macro approach, except that it can be automated a bit

But in this light the macro change if expanding to something like the
above is in fact a step forward, unifying the code and making the
refcount transition easier.

In fact this reminds me of the cbdata macros..

   pointer = cbdataReference(original_pointer);


where cbdataReferenceDone is essentially the if block quoted above, plus
some cosmetics for debugging purposes.


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