sön 2007-03-25 klockan 15:48 +0800 skrev Adrian Chadd:
> I've cheated and copied all of the Versions/* stuff from the current
> website to 'static/Dist' on the new website so they're not included
> in the magic PHP page building.

Converting the current downloads to the PHP templating should be
trivial. The only "dynamic" input to the download page is the current
snapshot version.

> Henrik, what cronjobs need shifting/duplicating? make.sh for the nightly
> builds and the changelog generation? what else?

make.sh updates the version download index.html. Could be replaced by a
line in PHP bringing in the current snapshot version somehow (i.e. by
including a small fragment providing the version as a PHP variable or

The other dynamic generation is changesets/.index.pl. Perhaps best kept
as they are for now.


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