hello. i hve Samba DC and squid. i created user, then SPN, and then
exported keytab and imported him to squid. im using kerberos negotiate
helper but when i try go to internet i have popup window with
login/password and in cace.log log error

2024/04/21 21:41:58 kid1| ERROR: Negotiate Authentication validating user.
Result: {result=BH, notes={message: gss_accept_sec_context() failed:
Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information. Request
ticket server HTTP/srv-proxy.mydomain....@myadomain.com kvno 2 enctype
aes256-cts found in keytab but cannot decrypt ticket; }}

why this happen? i can see using klist that in keytab aes256 on place, but
why squid cant decrypt?
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