Greetings all,

Next version of Web Safety web filter for Squid proxy (version 6.2.0.FD48, 
built on April 13, 2018, Release Candidate) is now available for download.
This version contains the following fixes and improvements:

*        Added new dynamic site categorization module. This module works on 
both requests and response. When categorizing requests URL, Referer and Host 
headers are scanned. When categorizing responses - textual contents of pages 
are scanned. Currently there are dynamic categorizer for Nudity Pornography, 
Adult Themes Sexuality, Drugs and Gambling categories, but more and more 
categorizers will be added with each release. We target to finally have all 
available categories covered.

*        Redesigned and re-implemented deep content inspection engine. The 
speed of content inspection is a little improved. Detection is now done faster. 
The amount of used RAM when performing adult language detection is greatly 
decreased (approximately 10 times).

Pre-configured virtual appliance is available from (should be run in VMWare 
ESXi/vSphere or Microsoft Hyper-V). GitHub repo with automation scripts we used 
to build this virtual appliance from stock Ubuntu 16 LTS image is at .

Direct link to virtual appliance:


Please deploy this version is non-too-critical environments only. Your 
questions/issues/bugs are welcome at<>
Version 6.3 will include re-implemented Surfing Now page and CTIRU URL 
prevention list (provided by Home Office UK).

You can join our community to get free early access to next development builds 
at .

Thanks to all of you for making this possible!

Best regards,
Rafael Akchurin
Diladele B.V.
squid-users mailing list

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