Dear users

I want to know if there is a way that the squid don't change clients IP
when pass the requests to the Internet? I know about OUTGOING_ADDRESS
but can not use it because for ISPs who has upstream customers inwhich
downstream link is different as you know the source IP should not be 
change.If the ISP ,for eg., have 200 upstream customers(Send only lines) 
then it seems so hard that for each customer you create acl outgoing 
address & IP address in your box.
Let me say when the client-A pass thtough the squid I want the client-A 
source IP do not change at all. Client-A is a recieve-only(downstream) 
satellite client who gets its send line(upstream) from the ISP who has 
Note that in general we can use the Routers acl to bypass such this 
clients but if we force to pass through the squid(such as when using 
DansGuardian which using the Squid for url fetching) what's the solution?


--Sincerity yours

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