I am having a problem using OpenBSD as a redirector for a Linux based transparent proxy, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

I'm trying to use the NAT in OpenBSD's pf on a bridging firewall to pass requests to a Linux box running squid that is configured as a transparent proxy using this line in Nat.conf...

rdr proto tcp from ! to any port 80 -> port 8080

It seems that PF doesn't pass the packets on to squid in a way it can understand, and it thinks that all requests are broken, access.log says this when it receives a request:

1045431507.575 21 TCP_HIT/200 4233 GET http://slashdot.org/s
lashdot.xml - NONE/- text/xml

Perhaps this is the reason for the "--enable-pf-transparent" option in the configure script?

If I compile and run the same version of squid on the OpenBSD firewall's 2Gb HD, it works, but transplanting the configuration onto the Linux box fails like this. Can anyone shed some light on the situation?

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