broken by design, with configurable broken stuff, randomly
resetting connections, feeding rubbish in headers,
improper/unexpected/slow replies etc.
Tomasz Chmielewski
On 01.11.2010 23:55, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
I'm trying to configure Squid to work in tproxy mode (IPv4, when it
works, IPv6), but my connections are hanging and I'm not sure how to
debug this.
Perhaps my network setup won't just work with tproxy?
My network setup l
IPv6 too, so I have to use TPROXY.
Tomasz Chmielewski
for multiple domains.
Tomasz Chmielewski
), provided I use anything newer than
Squid 2.5? Your reply seem to suggest that problems with
transparent/intercept mode used for reverse proxying apply to Squid 2.5,
but it doesn't mention if newer Squid versions will work better in such
Tomasz Chmielewski
transparent intercept
mode like you describe.
Thanks for a good explanation.
Tomasz Chmielewski
Tomasz Chmielewski
etter alternatives?
sarg, calamaris or awstats can't search the logs with a specified
criteria in mind.
Tomasz Chmielewski
Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
As far as I know, Squid doesn't support gzip/deflate.
Correct. Squid can not gzip/deflate content on the fly.
But there is obviously no problem for Squid to forward gzipped content
from the web server.
I thought it
As far as I know, Squid doesn't support gzip/deflate.
As I was playing with Ethereal, I captured some packets between Squid
and my Apache, and to my surprise, these were compressed using gzip/deflate!
I checked several times, I even changed the User agent's header with
header_replace to s
Elsen Marc wrote:
Ok, check this one too and see if it applies to your case :
Yeah, that's it!
I never liked that firewall anyway... :)
If it does reply in CC to the list, (courtesy to other people
possibly stumbling accross the
Elsen Marc wrote:
>> It works:
>> su squid
> Detail , you must use :
> su - squid
> for testing (check again).
> Otherwise it astonishes me,completely. Unless process resources
> would prevent creation of processes , for instance.
> Check system logs, for more info. But I
Elsen Marc wrote:
> So what if user 'squid' executes squid_ldap_auth in a shell as a test
> for example ?
It works:
su squid
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/squid/libexec$ ./squid_ldap_auth
Usage: squid_ldap_auth -b basedn [options] [ldap_server_name[:port]]...
-b basedn (REQUIRED)base d
per that
doesn't exist (e.g. /some/nonexisting/location).
I run Squid as a user squid; this user has access to /usr/local/squid,
can execute from there etc.
# ls -l /usr/local/squid/libexec/squid_ldap_group
-rwxr-xr-x1 squid squid 40134 Jul 13 13:42
Emilio Casbas wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Building an acl with urlpath_regex, for example to deny downloading
.zip files is quite easy, if the downloading is happening from an ftp
>> However, preventing to do so from certain http servers can be a bit
of a pain.
>> I
> Send all request to your antivirus-proxy and turn of scanning for the
> types you do not want scanned in your AV-software
Yeah of course it's the easiest; but I don't like it.
Going through two proxies adds unwanted time penalty.
-- T.
Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
>> My config is like below:
>> # apache + mod_clamav
>> cache_peer parent 80 0 default no-query
>> # i would like to have all mime types # starting with application*
(application/octet-stream, # application/x-zip-compressed etc) going
through default parent
>> a
Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
On Fri, 12 Mar 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So: is it possible, using Squid, LDAP server, and a browser that supports NTLM,
to authenticate user, so that no pop-up 'username + password' window shows up?
No, but it is fully possible to use Squid + Active Directory + a bro
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