Hi there

I am using squid 2.6.STABLE5 that comes in debian etch

We just installed a VPN and noticed a slow speed, so just added a second adsl 
connection  straight to the lans swith and added it to the clients gateway 

I want to redirect the vpn servers http traffic to that new router and keep the 
first adsl connection just for the vpn.

squid is running on the vpn server currently, and I have this to redirect 80 to 
3128 for transparent squid

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j 
REDIRECT --to-port 3128

It works, but the problem is that, squid itself is going into the vpn and 
through the first adsl connection for the internet, and not to the second adsl 

looking at squid.conf I tried

dns_nameservers # ip for the second adsl router

but squid is just getting dns from there, but all http traffic is still going 
in from the first router sharing traffic with the vpn

then, I tried to run this from the vpn server 

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -d

but I dont see it working as expected.

I guess another option is to add a third nic to the vpn server and route :80 
from squid to it?

or maybe using another linux server to run squid in it, I still need an 
iptables rule to sent traffic from the vpn server to the new one.

If you can help me with any of the options mentioned, or another you believe is 
better, I will greatly appreciate it


btw this is a small diagram of the current setup, just dont rant too much about 
security lol

[LAN] --- [SWITCH] --- [OPENVPN & SQUID] ---[ADSL 1] -- [INTERNET]
               [ADSL 2]

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