hi there,

I just subscribed to the list.. My GRAND question is :

Can I mark HIT packets so that later I can shape this traffic with another machine. ?? 

internet ----> squid ----> qos ---> users

I had searched alot on Google, even posted similar question trought groups.google.com 
w/o answer...
Also I saw that in the past a couple of ppl asked the same question w/o affirmative 

So is there such beast or is it planned ?

Why should I need it? 'casue my squid box is behind qos and it makes no sense for ppl 
to use proxy 'cause
they don't get real benefit of the caching.. (Delay pools are no solution to the 
If I can mark HIT the packets, then I can give them bigger bandwith and ppl will then 
feel the benefit of the caching...
(As u may guess the qos shapes the bandwith based on IP address, so placing squid 
in-front of the qos have no sense 'cause I
loose user identity/IP and can't do shaping correctly)


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