[squid-users] Antwort: Re: [squid-users] Squid ReverseProxy with vhost vport - Problem

2011-07-21 Thread tim . schmeling
Hi Amos, thanks for your answer. > Every time we 'fix' this we get complaints from people wanting the > opposite behaviour or suddenly getting breakage. We for now have this > behaviour: Squid should obey Host: port when "vport" is given, and > ignore it when vport is omitted (using http_port

[squid-users] Squid ReverseProxy with vhost vport - Problem

2011-07-20 Thread tim . schmeling
intraweb http_access deny admin http_access deny deniedbrowser http_access allow aha_my_test http_access deny all cache deny all httpd_suppress_version_string on always_direct allow all max_open_disk_fds 8192 coredump_dir /usr/local/squid/var/cache Can anyone help me? Greetz Tim Schmeling Ps: Sorry f