I am very happy to release the new RPM for CentOS.

This release contains only the bug-fixes and 0 patches.

Last time I wrote about *rock* cache_dir.
This time I would like to introduce another aspect to implementing any Linux based system which is not a squid only topic.

Any computing system does one thing and only one thing *computing*!
We take any OS and we implement a system that serves clients all over the world. To build and design each system there are requirements which some developer or some engineers needs to think first. Only after thinking about the system design more or less which is not the matter, we do testing and lots of other things. All the above is just to make sure that the implemented system will run for a very long time and many times even without interruption.

Taking a CentOS for example will require lot's of hearts and brains to just install it.
There are systems out-there that even CentOS 3 is still running on them.
Tweaking an OS for my understanding is not such a simple task and there are many engineers that do that for living each and every day.

A proxy system is one of the big examples that requires lot's of heart to think about the users and the admins of each and every related system. A web service needs the caching system to allow the heavy duty CPU of the more complex computations to be done with all the needed resources. When running a big computation system there is a need to take in account that each TCP connection requires resources. Squid unleash the basic analyzing of the network traffic and network resources. This feature allows more then just research but also to even look at the network traffic which usually is kind of "unseen". While analyzing a network there is a need for much more then just be *careful* but also be very sensitive.

The linux OS gives to all these great engineers developers and professionals a tool to unleash their abilities to push the world one step forward from the point it was before.

Like in any step of any birth it takes lots of powers and still any kid in the world needs a lot of help in his steps forward.

like in couple times in the past I have a recommendation for a video.
This time it's less of a direct computer related one but rather an animation "Ergo Proxy". This series is one of the amazing I have seen and which have introduced me to the "proxy" word\world. Like some OS and squid is not for anyone this series is not recommended for *anyone*. I have not seen rating of this series but my opinion is that there is a need to be at-least 18 years old to watch it.

* Feel free to respond and ask if you have something in mind.

The RPMS at:

The package includes 3 RPMs one for the squid core and helpers, the
other is for debugging and the third is the start-up script.

To Each and everyone of them there is an *asc* file which contains PGP and
MD5 SHA1 SHA2 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512 hashes.

I also released the SRPM which is very simple at:

* I did not managed to release the 3.HEAD release yet.

* The I686 build it still takes time but I have a machine which is pretty much the first step.


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