> This is where having the proxy doing auth and passing the credentials to the
> peer comes in. The peer never gets to the point of needing to send those
> redirects.
Meaning I have to change Squid or it can be done in configuration?
On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 6:33 PM, Amos Jeffries w
On 05.06.2012 06:22, Will wrote:
Thanks for the reply, Amos.
I tried forceddomain=mysite.appspot.com, I got the same behavior.
Perhaps I'm not clear on the problem.
Because in China one cannot directly access a site on Google
AppEngine, I setup an Apache reverse proxy server to my site on GAE,
Thanks for the reply, Amos.
I tried forceddomain=mysite.appspot.com, I got the same behavior.
Perhaps I'm not clear on the problem.
Because in China one cannot directly access a site on Google
AppEngine, I setup an Apache reverse proxy server to my site on GAE,
and it works very well. Now I'm th
On 2/06/2012 9:50 a.m., Will wrote:
Hi Eliezer,
Thanks for the excellent explanation.
I changed the conf as you suggested, now for all static pages it works
great, the address bar shows my.public.domain.com/page1. However, for
any pages requiring login, it redirects to 'mysite.appspot.com', the
Hi Eliezer,
Thanks for the excellent explanation.
I changed the conf as you suggested, now for all static pages it works
great, the address bar shows my.public.domain.com/page1. However, for
any pages requiring login, it redirects to 'mysite.appspot.com', the
address bar shows mysite.appspot.com/
On 01/06/2012 01:23, Will wrote:
I'm setting up a squid 3.1 reverse proxy server (accelerator) for my
website on Google AppEngine. The squid.conf looks like this,
http_port 80 accel defaultsite=my.public.domain.name ignore-cc
cache_peer mysite.appspot.com parent 80 0 no-query originserver
I'm setting up a squid 3.1 reverse proxy server (accelerator) for my
website on Google AppEngine. The squid.conf looks like this,
http_port 80 accel defaultsite=my.public.domain.name ignore-cc
cache_peer mysite.appspot.com parent 80 0 no-query originserver
login=PASS name=gaeAccel
acl gae dst