You can use LDAP authentication.  Try squid's LDAP authenticator program
(included with the code), and there's a bunch of instructions on how to
do this.

I think you may also need nss_ldap from, but it's doable and
I've done it before.  You'll also need a "proxy" user with which the
authenticator process can log in to AD, since AD doesn't allow
meaningful anonymous queries.


On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 06:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I wish to know if it is possible to get a linux box running squid to authenticate 
> windows 98 clients (also some 2k and XP) from a windows 2000 ADS server. I have been 
> told that winbind can be used for authenticating of squid by installing samba (but I 
> haven't done it before). I also know that samba has a limitation for authenticating 
> windows 98 on file shares to a ADS server(it can't do it, it can only do windows 2k 
> and XP because windows 98 does not use the kerberos proticol). So will squid have 
> the same problem (by useing samba(winbind) as the authenticaing program which will 
> get the username and passwords from a ADS server). If squid can do it, can someone 
> point me in the right direction please.
* Diego Rivera                                            *
*                                                         *
* "The Disease: Windows, the cure: Linux"                 *
*                                                         *
* E-mail: lrivera<AT>racsa<DOT>co<DOT>cr                  *
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