
every time when squid starts storeDirWriteCleanLogs it can't write into the access.log 
file anymore.

2003/08/07 12:03:40| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2003/08/07 12:03:40| WARNING: Closing open FD   19
2003/08/07 12:03:42|     65536 entries written so far.
2003/08/07 12:03:45|    131072 entries written so far.
2003/08/07 12:03:48|    196608 entries written so far.
2003/08/07 12:03:52|    262144 entries written so far.
2003/08/07 12:04:02|    327680 entries written so far.
2003/08/07 12:04:10|    393216 entries written so far.
2003/08/07 12:04:16|   Finished.  Wrote 440783 entries.
2003/08/07 12:04:16|   Took 35.7 seconds (12356.9 entries/sec).
FATAL: logfileWrite: c:/squid/log/store.log: (13) Permission denied

Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE1-CVS): Terminated abnormally.

...well sometimes it is the store.log file

When I rotate the log files squid always starts storeDirWriteCleanLogs but it is not a 
problem unless there are 2 pinger processes. When I rotate the log files squid first 
closes the pinger process before it starts storeDirWriteCleanLogs

2003/08/06 23:55:02| Closing Pinger socket on FD 7
2003/08/06 23:55:05| Pinger exiting.

Somehow the error only seems to occur when there is a pinger process when squid starts 

How does Squid decide when to start storeDirWriteCleanLogs? Is there a way to tell 
squid to close the pinger process every time it starts storeDirWriteCleanLogs and not 
only when it rotates the log files?


Markus Wagner

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