> From: gi...@msn.com
> To: squ...@treenet.co.nz
> Subject: RE: [squid-users] Peering squid multiple instances.
> Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 07:12:15 +0000
> Dear Amos,
> Thank you for your response and better design tips. However i am not able to 
> comprehend it well (due to lack of expereince and knowledge both however at 
> current). So i request you to elaborate it a bit more. Your guidance would be 
> a real valuable.
> Question 1:
> You said that under my configuration this is the case:
> Client -> squidinstance1 -> squidinstance2 -> (web servers)
> or
> client -> squidinstance2 -> webserver
> Well i am failing to understand how clients can talk to squidinstance2 
> directly when:
> 1. squidinstance2 is configured with an acl to accept traffic from localhost 
> only.
> 2. On the Squid clients (browsers) the port 8080 of first instance is 
> configured. And this is the only traffic that is being accepted through the 
> iptables as well.
> according to my perception isnt this the case
> client ->squidinstance1 -> webserver
> client ->squidinstance1 -> squidinstance2 -> webserver
> Please guide me in this respect.
> Question 2:
> I have created multiple instances to run on the same machine ,because in my 
> server there are three hard drives. OS is on Physical RAID1.Cache directory 
> is on the third hard drive (comprising 80% of total space). This setup is 
> done because i wanted to survive a directory failure. so even all my drives 
> which are holding cache directories get failed. Even then my client will be 
> able to browse the internet through proxy-only instance until the disk system 
> holding the OS fails. I am not sure that whether this approach is correct or 
> not but this is what i have learnt in these days through available faqs and 
> ofcourse guidance through squidmail help. Please guide me on this.
> Question 3:
> what does it mean by "parent is the peering method for origin web servers"? 
> also you wrote that by reason of Parent it does not matter which protocol you 
> are using. Pleae guide me.
> Question 4:
> i interpret that you mean that two instances running on the same machine 
> should have sibling type relationships configured identically with digest 
> type protocol between them. It means that i should run two instances but 
> pointing to different cache directories on my third hard drive and instead of 
> 50 Gb big cache give lets say 25 Gb space to each.((Holding two cache 
> directories on the same hard isnt it degrade performance ? so is it only 
> possible when i have multiple drives for holding cache ))Both permitted to 
> cache data from origin servers.However in case of a cache miss first check 
> the sibling before going to the origin server. Am i correct in understanding 
> you?
> You further said that for failover which i am sorry that i failed to 
> understand at this point of time due to my current skill/competency. However 
> i am eager to learn and determined to work hard. your detailed response will 
> be really really valueable to me (I have just started a couple of weeks 
> back). Please is the following setup is for failover of a whole squid proxy 
> server or failover of squid processes?
>> * a cache_peer "parent" type to the web server. With "originserver"
>> and "default" selection enabled.
>>>> This topology utilizes a single layer of multiple proxies. Possibly with
>> hardware load balancing in iptables etc sending alternate requests to
>> each of the two proxies listening ports.
>> Useful for small-medium businesses requiring scale with minimal
>> hardware. Probably their own existing load balancers already purchased
>> from earlier attempts. IIRC the benchmark for this is somewhere around
>> 600-700 req/sec.
>> The next step up in performance and HA is to have an additional layer of
>> Squid acting as the load-balancer doing CARP to reduce cache duplication
>> and remove sibling data transfers. This form of scaling out is how
>> WikiMedia serve their sites up.
>> It is documented somewhat in the wiki as ExtremeCarpFrontend. With a
>> benchmark so far for a single box reaching 990 req/sec.
>> These maximum speed benchmarks are only achievable by reverse-proxy
>> people. Regular ISP setups can expect their maximum to be somewhere
>> below 1/2 or 1/3 of that rate due to the content diversity and RTT lag
>> of remote servers. (well that part i understood)
> Question 5:
> can you please tell some good read for knowledge/concepts builder? I have get 
> hold of squid definitve guide though a very good one however isnt'it a bit 
> outdated.Can you recommend please? Specially on the topics of Authenticating 
> Active directory users in squid proxy.
> ----------------------------------------
>> Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 18:06:46 +1300
>> From: squ...@treenet.co.nz
>> To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
>> Subject: Re: [squid-users] Peering squid multiple instances.
>> GIGO . wrote:
>>> I have successfully setup running of multiple instances of squid for the 
>>> sake of surviving a Cache directory failure. However I still have few 
>>> confusions regarding peering multiple instances of squid. Please guide me 
>>> in this respect.
>>> In my setup i percept that my second instance is doing caching on behalf of 
>>> requests send to Instance 1? Am i correct.
>> You are right in your understanding of what you have configured. I've
>> some suggestions below on a better topology though.
>>> what protocol to select for peers in this scenario? what is the 
>>> recommendation? (carp, digest, or icp/htcp)
>> Under your current config there is no selection, ALL requests go through
>> both peers.
>> Client -> Squid1 -> Squid2 -> WebServer
>> or
>> Client -> Squid2 -> WebServer
>> thus Squid2 and WebServer are both bottleneck points.
>>> If syntax of my cache_peer directive is correct or local loop back address 
>>> should not be used this way?
>> Syntax is correct.
>> Use of localhost does not matter. It's a useful choice for providing
>> some security and extra speed to the inter-proxy traffic.
>>> what is the recommended protocol for peering squids with each other?
>> Does not matter to your existing config. By reason of the "parent"
>> selection.
>>> what is the recommended protocl for peering squid with ISA Server.
>> "parent" is the peering method for origin web servers. With
>> "originserver" selection method.
>>> Instance 1:
>>> visible_hostname vSquidlhr
>>> unique_hostname vSquidMain
>>> pid_filename /var/run/squid3main.pid
>>> http_port 8080
>>> icp_port 0
>>> snmp_port 3161
>>> access_log /var/logs/access.log
>>> cache_log /var/logs/cache.log
>>> cache_peer parent 3128 0 default no-digest no-query proxy-only 
>>> no-delay
>>> prefer_direct off
>>> cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid3 100 256 16
>>> coredump_dir /var/spool/squid3
>>> cache deny all
>>> Instance 2:
>>> visible_hostname SquidProxylhr
>>> unique_hostname squidcacheprocess
>>> pid_filename /var/run/squid3cache.pid
>>> http_port 3128
>>> icp_port 0
>>> snmp_port 7172
>>> access_log /var/logs/access2.log
>>> cache_log /var/logs/cache2.log
>>> coredump_dir /cache01/var/spool/squid3
>>> cache_dir aufs /cache01/var/spool/squid3 50000 48 768
>>> cache_swap_low 75
>>> cache_mem 1000 MB
>>> range_offset_limit -1
>>> maximum_object_size 4096 MB
>>> minimum_object_size 12 bytes
>>> quick_abort_min -1
>> What I suggest for failover is two proxies configured identically:
>> * a cache_peer "sibling" type between them. Using digest selection. To
>> localhost (different ports)
>> * permitting both to cache data from the origin (optionally from the
>> peer).
>> * a cache_peer "parent" type to the web server. With "originserver"
>> and "default" selection enabled.
>> This topology utilizes a single layer of multiple proxies. Possibly with
>> hardware load balancing in iptables etc sending alternate requests to
>> each of the two proxies listening ports.
>> Useful for small-medium businesses requiring scale with minimal
>> hardware. Probably their own existing load balancers already purchased
>> from earlier attempts. IIRC the benchmark for this is somewhere around
>> 600-700 req/sec.
>> The next step up in performance and HA is to have an additional layer of
>> Squid acting as the load-balancer doing CARP to reduce cache duplication
>> and remove sibling data transfers. This form of scaling out is how
>> WikiMedia serve their sites up.
>> It is documented somewhat in the wiki as ExtremeCarpFrontend. With a
>> benchmark so far for a single box reaching 990 req/sec.
>> These maximum speed benchmarks are only achievable by reverse-proxy
>> people. Regular ISP setups can expect their maximum to be somewhere
>> below 1/2 or 1/3 of that rate due to the content diversity and RTT lag
>> of remote servers.
>> Amos
>> --
>> Please be using
>> Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE8 or 3.0.STABLE25
>> Current Beta Squid
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