For exemple:

allowsites - > /usr/local/ITIS/allow_sites

BlockedDownloads - > /usr/local/ITIS/restricted_files

acl allowsites src "/usr/local/ITIS/allow_sites"
acl BlockedDownloads urlpath_regex -i "/usr/local/ITIS/restricted_files"

http_access allow allowsites !BlockedDownloads

You´ll allow the allow_sites and deny downloads...


Renato Policani.

-----Mensagem original-----
Enviada em: terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2005 09:39
Assunto: [squid-users] Problem blocking files with urlpath_regex acl


I'm having a few problems trying to block file downloads with Squid. I have
a file called 'restricted_files' with the following contents:


And I have the following setup in my squid.conf:

acl User1 proxy_auth user1
acl User2 proxy_auth user2
acl BlockedDownloads urlpath_regex -i "/usr/local/ITIS/restricted_files"

http_access allow User1
http_access deny BlockedDownloads
http_access allow User2

Now, if I authenticate as user1, I can download all files with no problems.
However, if I authenticate as user2, and browse to - for example -, cache.log is showing that the following URL's are blocked
because they match 'BlockedDownloads':

However, these extensions are not in my list! I notice similar results on
other sites, with files getting blocked that shouldn't be.

Can anyone offer me any help on this?


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