I recently upgraded an SQWebmail 2.0.0 installation to 3.3.7.

The SQWebmail 2.0.0 I inherited, so I am not familiar with how it was
configured initially.

My problem is when I delete a message from say the Inbox. The checkbox for
trash is grayed out, and if I look at the Trash folder, the message is
listed in there. If I go back to the Inbox, I still see the grayed out
message. The only way I have been able to fix this is to go into my maildir
and delete the sqwebmail-curcache.db1, at which point the deleted message in
the Inbox is gone.

I am sure it is a configuration issue that I am just not aware of... I have
looked at ./configure --help and nothing seems to jump out at me.

My 3.3.7 install is configured with the following:

./configure --with-authvchkpw --with-ispell --enable-cgibin=/usr/local/www/c
gi-bin --enable-imagedir=/usr/local/www/data/images/sqwebmail --without-auth
ldap --without-authpam --without-authuserdb --without-authpwd --without-auth
shadow --without-authdaemon --enable-webpass=no

I am hoping it is something obvious I have missed.

Any guidance is appreciated.

Tom Walsh
Network Administrator

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