
please take note of these items from the guidelines 

*Keep postings as short as possible. People are flooded with 
information every day. If you want to be noticed, much less heard, 
you need to keep it brief.

*If you include quoted material, EDIT IT RUTHLESSLY. Pass along the 
smallest amount necessary for context. Please do NOT simply leave it 
stuck to the end of your message, since this REALLY screws up the 
digest's users. Edit, edit, edit! (Please note the prohibition about 
copyrighted material below.)

*Make it as easy as possible for people to read your message and 
people will. Putting a little time into cleaning things up before you 
send your missive can mean the difference between silence and getting 
the answer you need. (This cleanup also distinguishes a good 'Net 
citizen from a 'Net slob.) In general, the harder your message is to 
read, the less likely the person with the answer to your question 
will bother to respond.

*In posting an item, keep the "Subject" line relevant. If the topic 
changes, change the subject. If you are a digest reader, CHANGE the 
subject to the appropriate subject. (If you don't, all we will see is 
"Re: sslivesteam Digest ...," which is meaningless, and which many 
readers don't bother to read.) Take a little time -- make the 
"Subject" line useful.

also, please keep the guidelines handy and review them periodically.



Dave Cole
Gen'l Sup't:  Grand Teton & Everglades Steam Excursion Co.
               Pacifica, Calif. USA <> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List Mom:     sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers
               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Editor:       TRELLIS & TRESTLE, the newsletter of the
               Bay Area Garden Railway Society <>
               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Web & List:   Pacific Coast Live Steamers <>
               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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