At 06:29 AM 1/5/05 -0800, mike gray wrote:
My Porter has so many miles on her that that she looks
like a steamer with the cylinder cocks  always wide
open. The dilemma is how to remove the connector
pieces from the cylinder shafts to remove and replace
the O-rings. Appears to be a press fit but with the
loco long out of production I don't want to apply too
much force and forever sideline her because of a
broken rod connector.
Has anyone else had to replace the cylinder shaft
O-rings ? If so, how did you go about doing it ?

A round about suggestion (I don't own a Porter), but the Ogwen formerly made by Maxwell Hemmons is now being made by John Burrel and being sold through PPS Steam Services at:

or you can e-mail them at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

They may be willing to put you in touch with John Burre, and if he has one of the old Hemmens locos, maybe he has the Porter too.

The other possible source is Yesteryear Toys in Alexandria bay NY, who also advertize the Burrel Ogwen - they may be the North American distributor for Burrel. their website is at:

and e-mail is   [EMAIL PROTECTED] aor phone 1-800-481-1353.

good luck with it,


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