At 10:18 AM 7/26/03 -0400, you wrote:
>I heard or read somewhere that LBSC would design the locomotive projects in 
>his head, write up the building instructions, and then get around to 
>building the locomotive.  Has anyone else heard about this bit of trivia?
>Casey Sterbenz

    Although I can't site examples there were a number of his designs that
were never built, at least by him, but the same is true of the other
prolific current era designers, in particular Martin Evans , Don Young, and
Keith Wilson.  I have no trouble at all seeing a design doesn't necessarily
have to be built to publish it.  However, people learned quickly there was
reason to be cautious.  If you were to look at some advertisements for
castings or reviews in the past (in Model Engineer) you would often see a
disclaimer stating that a successful example of the loco in question had
been built thus "proving" the design and/or castings.


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