The new version is much improved. Some points are still a bit nebulous,
but the general direction is clear. Looking forward to v0.3.

On 5/30/12 11:03 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> Hi Kev, many thanks for updating XEP-0289. I'll need to take some time
> to review it completely, and will reply after I've done that.
> On 5/30/12 6:42 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:
>> Answering based on the recent update to 289 and the rest of the
>> changes that are pending me having the energy to do another round.
>> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 2:10 AM, Peter Saint-Andre <> wrote:
>>> - from the perspective of a far user, is the mirror room just a standard
>>> MUC room? if not, why not (and exactly how)?
>> Entirely standard.
>>> - do mirror rooms support all the usual MUC features (history, room
>>> administration etc.)? if not, why not?
>> A subset. History will work. Kicks will work in a suitably trusted
>> environment, as will bans. Subjects will be fine. Configuration in
>> general won't cross over nodes - e.g. configuring a history storage of
>> 2 messages on one node and 500 on another means that users joining a
>> node won't be able to request more history than the node is willing to
>> keep.
>>> - in particular, can the mirror room be administered? if not, why not?
>> As above.
>>> - does / can the mirror room retrieve history on joining the source room?
>> Yes. Using the usual MUC history control.
>>> - are there distinct disco identities for source rooms and mirror rooms?
>> Each node exists, as far as addressing and disco are concerned, as an
>> isolated entity, just as if it wasn't federating with another room.
>>> - does the source room config indicate that the room is (can be) mirrored?
>>> - does the mirror room config indicate what the source room is?
>> I've deliberately sidestepped the issue. I suggest these things are a
>> matter of room configuration in the normal manner and not specified
>> formally.
>>> - can mirror rooms themselves be mirrored? (ick)
>> Yes, that's fine (and not particularly ick - you just naturally end up
>> with a tree-like structure that falls out of the wash).
>>> - do / can mirror rooms / services communicate with each other?
>> Only in as much as they talk to the room to which they may be joined,
>> and any rooms that may be joined to them. One could reconfigure the
>> graph to route around networking issues, but it's not automatic.
>>> - does the mirror room wait for presence fan-out from the source room
>>> before sending presence to far users?
>> Only if run in master-slave mode.
>>> - does or should the mirror room include delayed delivery info in the
>>> messages that it sends to far users?
>> I hadn't intended doing so. I can see mileage in it.
>>> - can the source service explicitly request that the mirror service
>>> shall mirror a particular room (as in XEP-0281)? probably not needed,
>>> but good to make it clear
>> No.
>>> - what happens if a near user tries to join a mirror room? is that user
>>> redirected from the mirror room to the source room?
>> No.
>>> - can a far user join the source room directly? can the source room
>>> redirect a far user to the mirror room (as in XEP-0281)?
>> They could - although if this is a constrained network environment
>> 'good luck' to them. No.
>>> - we need to show examples of room joins from far users other than the
>>> first one -- in particular, I would assume that the source room sends
>>> only one presence notification to the mirror room, which is then fanned
>>> out to all of the far users
>> I think I've now covered this.
>>> - can / should the mirror room assume the equivalent of "nomirror" for
>>> the presence of near and far users? that would save quite a bit of bandwidth
>> I've elided master/slave config in the newer version - I need to add it back 
>> in.
>>> - I'm not really convinced about nomirror for messages, but I am open to
>>> being convinced
>> Multi-master/peer to peer/whatever (not master/slave) mode costs you
>> consistent message ordering between nodes. Conversely it gains you the
>> ability to work while netsplit and potentially *hugely* reduced
>> latency in communication. I'm led to believe that there are
>> environments where this is important.
>>> - example 2 seems strange, because the 'from' address is the room JID of
>>> the mirror room, not the occupant JID of the far user -- note that in
>>> example 5 the source room seems to know the occupant JID of the far user
>>> in the mirror room, but currently there's no way for it to know that!
>> I've completely rewritten everything, so this may or may not still apply.
>>> - must the far user's roomnick be the same in the source room and the
>>> mirror room?
>> Yes.
>>> - what error would the source room return to the mirror room on join if
>>> the mirroring service is not trusted? (a rogue mirroring service could
>>> simply include the MUC namespace and thus join as a normal occupant,
>>> instead of including the special mirroring extension -- that's something
>>> for the security considerations)
>> I think that a rogue mirroring service doesn't gain anything by doing
>> so - this seems to be a security concern of -45 rather than of -289.
>> I've got an example reserved for the error, but I've not put it in
>> yet. 289v0.3 will have it.
>>> - what error or status notification would the mirror room return to the
>>> far user if s2s is down? would it return any status at all?
>> I'd suggest using PSA for this.
>>> - I don't mind the JID\20Escaping stuff for room names, but I suppose
>>> others might consider it ugly
>> I've removed it and it'll be relegated to a 'you could do this if you
>> really wanted'.
>>> Kev, I'd be happy to work with you on improving XEP-0289.
>> Thanks.
>> /K

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