I've just submitted version 0.0.5 of the Instant Stream Resumption (ISR)
ProtoXEP [1]. The mechanism performing the instant stream resumption is
now decoupled from the Hashed Token (HT) SASL mechanism, which was one
blockers in the past. The HT SASL mechanism is now being developed at
IETF [2]. I really hope we get this process also going, hence feedback
on the Kitten WG mailing list is highly appreciated. Ideally the Kitten
WG would adopt the I-D so that the standards process can continue.

An nearly identical rendered version of the submitted ISR ProtoXEP can
be found at


Hopefully the current version of the ISR ProtoXEP makes everyone happy.
If not (of if so), then please raise your voice here. :)

I also like to ask Council to consider this ProtoXEP for acceptance.

- Florian

1: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/552
2: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-schmaus-kitten-sasl-ht/

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