* Jonas Wielicki <jo...@wielicki.name> [2018-01-25 14:45]:
> XEP-0382 (Spoiler messages) has been Deferred because of inactivity.

As this has been recently resurrected into implementation, and I somehow
missed commenting on it when it was initially proposed:

I think the XEP is getting it all backwards. If the intent is to *hide*
certain content from view by default, then the content should not be
visible to legacy (non-supporting) clients, and thus not be placed in
the <body>. Therefore, and to better match the name of the <spoiler>
element, I suggest changing it into one of the following variants:

Variant A, with a not-so-graceful degradation:

<message from="mercu...@shakespeare.lit>
  <body>You won't believe this life-changing fact!</body>
  <spoiler>Juliet dies in Act V Scene III</spoiler>

This will make legacy clients only show the alert text, but not the
actual spoiler. This is surely a better degradation than showing the
spoiler without warning.

Variant B, with a more-graceful degradation but uncollapsable on legacy

<message from="mercu...@shakespeare.lit>
  <spoiler-alert>You won't believe this life-changing fact!</spoiler-alert>
  <spoiler>Juliet dies in Act V Scene III</spoiler>
  <body>You won't believe this life-changing fact!
    Whyvrg qvrf va Npg I Fprar VVV</body>

This SHOULD be accompanied with a change to the XEP explicitly saying
that the body MUST NOT contain other information than what is found in
the spoiler-alert plus spoiler, so that supporting clients can drop the
body and only use the other two elements.

It might also be interesting to embed pictures or other rich content
into the spoiler, but I suppose that should go into its own XEP.

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