1) Roll Call
Present: Zash, Jonas, Dave, Daniel
Present-but-also-not: Georg

2) Agenda Bashing
Jonas is pleased the agenda wasn't sent too late this time - nobody else seems 
to have seen it - Jonas specifically remembers composing the agenda.
Apparently, you also have to send emails before others can see them - who knew.

3) Editor's Update
* XEP-0280 advanced to Stable 🎉

4) Items for voting

5) Pending Votes
Jonas has poked Sonny, the author of XEP-0459 (XMPP Compliance Suites 2022) - 
Sonny wishes to incorporate some of the feedback; Jonas suggests cancelling 
this vote and awaiting those changes - nobody objects.

There were no objections to deprecating XEP-0411 (Bookmarks Conversion) 
on-list. (Jonas already voted +1 last week.)
Zash: +1
Daniel: +1
Dave: +1
Georg: +1

6) Date of Next
2021-10-20 1500 UTC

Jonas will have an Important Meetingâ„¢, and so may be running late if that runs 

[Advance warning of the traditional European clock fiddling on the 31st, with 
North America joining in a week later.]

7) AOB

8) Close
Praise to the chair, and thanks to all.

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