1. Roll call ( http://logs.xmpp.org/council/2017-03-15/#16:00:45 )
- Tobias (chairing)
- Sam
- Dave

- Daniel excused
- Link Mauve not present

2. Minute Taker ( http://logs.xmpp.org/council/2017-03-15/#16:04:44 )
Tobias says he will write up the meeting minutes

3. SHA-1 situation
https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2017-February/032328.html (
http://logs.xmpp.org/council/2017-03-15/#16:05:23 )
Jonas wrote a replacement for current entity capabilities extension
(XEP-0115), which still awaits a couple votes. Link Mauve volunteered to do
a high level overview of SHA-1 uses in XMPP and suggest a migration plan.

4. IEEE IoT https://trello.com/c/5SHoH80M/171-ieee-iot (
http://logs.xmpp.org/council/2017-03-15/#16:09:28 )
Sam send out a mail regarding this a week ago, but there have been no
responses yet. People have missed it or haven’t read it so far.
Tobias suggests setting up a meeting between Council and XSF IoT SIG.
Dave recommended that we set up a official liaison to the IEEE IoT group.

5. AOB ( http://logs.xmpp.org/council/2017-03-15/#16:15:16 )
There are still outstanding votes. Reminder for council members to vote on
things. Sam plans to get more Trello access to setup a Editor specific
Dave rambles about MIX not being as complete as he has hoped.

6. Date of next ( http://logs.xmpp.org/council/2017-03-15/#16:18:57 )
2017-03-22 16:00:00 UTC works for everybody present.

Tobias bangs the gavel. ( http://logs.xmpp.org/council/2017-03-15/#16:19:31
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