1) Roll Call
Present: Dave, Kev, Jonas, Link, Georg

Bacon rolls are ordered.

2) Agenda Bashing
Dave is blissfully unaware of anything requiring a vote; Jonas is unaware of 
anything either.

3) Matters for a vote

4) Outstanding Votes
On PR #764, Kev thinks there is more-or-less agreement that it's what the XEP 
had intended to say, and this shouldn't block future changes. Georg would like 
to hear more Council voices.
Link changes his vote to +1 on the basis that the MAM correction table 
(discussed at the summit) will ensure every correction pertains to the original 
Georg asks if Kev has a solution for correction receipts - Kev is happy to add 
some text about content versus ephemeral stuff (e.g. receipts) such that there 
is no receipt for replacing the original, but there is for the correction 
itself. Georg wonders whether this also addresses MAM IDs - Kev thinks so - and 
the most-delayed-correction-wins race condition - Kev doesn't think this can be 
avoided if simultaneous multi-client corrections are allowed.

Kev would like a serious discussion about the proposal he made (two 'living' 
XEPs: "Core XEPs" and "Direction of Travel XEPs" and have versions of these, 
rather than the yearly scramble for Compliance Suites) long before next year's 
suite comes into being -- maybe an agendum for next week; Georg 
enthusiastically agrees.

5) AOB
Jonas was underwhelmed with the readability of XEPs on mobile, and has been 
working on re-styling them (work-in-progress preview:; all are generally 

Georg wrote a very long mail to the Standards list outlining his view that 
correcting corrections is superior to multiple corrections of the original. 
Dave thinks this is a storm in a teacup, and a strict interpretation of the 
rules is difficult, but doesn't think there is much interoperation conflict 
regarding which message is corrected.
Georg's point is that a sequence of edits from different devices could get 
re-ordered - Dave suggests not doing that then. Georg would like the XEP to 
explain the Right Way™, whatever Council decides that is; is willing to concede 
as long as there is wording that excludes MAM IDs and receipts from the "all 
child elements" initial rationale. Kev is convinced there are race conditions 
if the same message is edited from multiple devices at the same time, 
irrespective of how the chain is represented; it's not entirely unrelated, but 
not the main issue. Kev is willing to write the MAM ID/Receipt part - Georg 
formally changes his vote to -0. Kev requests Editors don't merge this until 
his follow-up PR is ready, to avoid two version pushes.

6) Next Meeting
2019-04-10 1500 UTC

(Note: the meeting time should now be settled in its 'new' slot until the next 
big change.)

7) Close
Thanks all.

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