1) Roll Call
Present: Zash, Jonas, Georg, Daniel, Dave

2) Agenda Bashing

3) Editor's Update
* XEP-0450: Automatic Trust Management accepted as Experimental

4) Items for Voting

5) Pending Votes
Jonas votes +0 on PR #1014; Georg votes +0 too.
Daniel votes +1 on PR #1008.
Dave votes +1 on PR #1001 (this is an improvement, but it's getting really 
complicated and not sure it lends itself well to a formal grammar)

6) Date of Next
Jonas will be unavailable next week; Dave doesn't expect to be available 
either, possibly for two weeks.
Jonas suggests skipping the next two weeks and meeting fresh-faced and well-fed 
in the new year - all are happy to go along with such a maverick plan.

2021-01-06 1600 UTC

7) AOB
Georg would like to wish everybody a nice and calm holiday season.
Zash wishes everyone a merry whatever and happy new pandemic next year.

Jonas will send a nice email to the standards list in an attempt to excuse 
Council's plans for blatantly neglecting their duties, and some well-wishes.

7) Close
Thanks Jonas, Tedd, and alllll.

[Wishing everyone happy Yule/Christmas/Hanukkah/Solstice/Festivus/December 
celebrations, and hoping next year will bring better times and good health.]

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