1) Roll Call
Present: Travis, Jonas, Larma, Georg
Vacation: Daniel

2) Agenda Bashing
Nothing, apparently.

3) Editor's Update
None (a proto-XEP is in the pipeline.)

4) Last Call: XEP-0215 (External Service Discovery) -
Georg asks if there is a nominated Shepherd - Jonas suggest that as Daniel 
brought it up then it can be his problem.

Jonas: +1
Travis: +1
Larma: +1
Georg: +1 (on the condition that Daniel or somebody else volunteers to actually 
incorporate LC feedback)
Daniel: [pending]

Jonas questions Georg whether it's necessary to block just because nobody is 
incorporating the feedback immediately - Georg thinks feedback is best served 
fresh, and nobody will remember what was needed or why in two years - Jonas 
hopes those would be recorded in a mailing list thread. Georg starts scaring 
the younglings with stories of an XEP that once went through six Last Calls - 
Zash runs away screaming.

5) Date of Next
Jonas will be busy in Berlin [1], Daniel will still be on vacation, and Larma 
is uncertain - Jonas proposes skipping next week - Travis and Georg will be 
away the following week.

2022-06-15 1500 UTC

6) AOB
Georg wonders if anyone has seen the Board in recent weeks - Jonas thought they 
had a meeting last week, though there seems to be no trace. Georg wanted to put 
something onto their agenda - Jonas suggests writing an email.

7) Close
Thanks everyone. Thank you, Jonas.

Georg suddenly remembers an AOB item.

6.1) AOB Again
Georg hasn't seen any meeting minutes in a very long time - thinks it's time to 
ask for a volunteer - Jonas would participate in a rotating schedule between 
all Council members; since the others have already left, Jonas will try to 
remember to bring it up at the next meeting.

7.1) Close Again
Thanks, it was nice.


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