1) Roll Call
Present: Larma, Travis, Daniel, Jonas
Holiday: Georg

2) Agenda Bashing
No changes.

3) Editor's Update
* Deprecated XEP-0256 (Last Activity in Presence)
* Message Replies accepted as XEP-0461
* Deprecated and Obsoleted XEP-0443 (XMPP Compliance Suites 2021)

4a) PR #1152 (XEP-0060: Release version 1.23.0) -
Daniel finds the MUST a bit problematic - what about services that support it 
but don't advertise - Travis thinks that means they effectively don't support 
it; Jonas thinks it's okay.

Travis: +1 (seems editorial)
Jonas: +1
Daniel: +1
Larma: +1
Georg: [pending]

4b) PR #1153 (XEP-0004: Release version 2.13.0) -
Travis questions whether this actually helps, as a client still can't rely on 
it; the MUST helped, but 'broke protocol', although known implementations 
already did it.
Larma isn't entirely convinced on the wording of "…only process (e.g., apply) 
the submitted fields."
Daniel would have preferred this to have been posted to the List before being 
brought to Council; there was already some discussion on it - Travis thinks 
further on-list discussion would help.
Travis also notes that 4c won't be possible unless this is accepted (and is 
editorial if it is.)

Daniel: [on-list]
Larma: [on-list]
Travis: [on-list]
Jonas: [on-list]
Georg: [pending]

4c) PR #1154 (XEP-0060: Release version 1.23.1) -
Skipped, as Travis noted.

5) Pending Votes
Daniel votes on PR #1148: +1

6) Date of Next
2022-02-02 1600 UTC

7) AOB

8) Close
Thank you everyone. Thanks everyone. Thanks! Thanks all.

Travis suggests deprecating XEP-0138 (Stream Compression) and XEP-0274 (Design 
Considerations for Digital Signatures in XMPP) [presumably XEP-0229 (Stream 
Compression with LZW) was meant] - if not the negotiation, at least the two 
methods [ZLIB and LZW]; minimally, CRIME/BREACH [1] should be mentioned in the 
Security Considerations - Jonas thinks the negotiation may be useful.


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